For far too long, women have been underrepresented in medical research. Many studies are conducted exclusively with male animals, and the majority of human clinical trial participants are men. Yet, sex and gender medicine hold the key to precision medicine, enabling more accurate diagnoses and tailored treatments for everyone.
17.30-18.15h Registration/Welcome drinks
18.15-18.20h Welcome and introduction
18.20-19.50h Dr. Antonella Santuccione Chadha: “The female brain capital: rethink healthcare with women in mind“
18.50-19.20h Dr. Annalisa Pawlosky: “Using the power of AI to improve medical research, diagnostics and personalized treatments”
19.20-19.50h Dr. Anna Erat: “Precision medicine as a key to longevity and healthspan“
19.50-20.00h Wrap-Up
20.00-21.30h Apéro Riche & Networking
Register Here – Limited Seats