Celebrating Family

By Ruth L. Formosa Ventura, Systemic Psychotherapist and Couple & Family Therapist The family, in all its variant shapes, represents the microcosm of society. It is the human system in and through which most of us grow physically, mentally, psychologically, morally, spiritually, intellectually, and socially. It also shapes our beliefs of who we are as […]

Communications In Time Of Crisis: An Interview With Sara Rubinelli, Health Communication Expert

By Annemarie Schumacher Dimech, President and Co-Founder of the Women’s Brain Project Further to the outbreak of the #COVID19 pandemic, Sara Rubinelli started issuing recommendations for the general public on her social media channels. She is a Professor of Health Communication at the University of Lucerne, and President of the International Association for Communication in […]

Webinar Recap: The Impact Of COVID-19 On Mothers & Families

Motherhood during the pandemic: Challenges, blessings, and issues to be addressed On Sunday 10 May, most countries celebrated Mother’s Day. Motherhood is full of blessings as well as challenges such as juggling work and childcare, coping with changes during and after pregnancy, redefining one’s identity on becoming a mother. The COVID-19 pandemic has created different […]

Post-Partum Mental Health

By Ruth L. Formosa Ventura, Systemic Psychotherapist and Couple & Familly Therapist, member of the WBP Executive Committee Fact: Did you know that 1 in 10 women suffer with postnatal depression? Prevalence varies from 4.5 % to 28 % in onset, duration, and severity of symptoms mainly because of the range of measurement scales used, […]